Transportation and Logistics Services

Al-Ghaythi for Logistic Services

Al-Ghaythi for Logistic Services

Service Types أنواع الخدمة
  • Land Transport
  • Customs clearance
  • Providing services according to the highest standards of quality and efficiency.
BADR Group Companies

BADR Group Companies

Service Types أنواع الخدمة
  • Premium Real Estate (Development and Leasing)
  • Construction materials manufacturing
  • Oilfield & Technology for enhanced oil recovery
  • Montessori school with a training center.
Omani Integrated logistic Services SAOC

Omani Integrated logistic Services SAOC

Service Types أنواع الخدمة
  • Exhibition & Trade Fair Logistics Solutions
  • Freight Forwarding
  • Warehousing & Distribution
  • Multimodal services
Unique Contracting Company LLC

Unique Contracting Company LLC

Service Types أنواع الخدمة
  • Constructing both Residential and Commercial buildings
  • General Construction for different purposes
  • Project Management